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Claims of mistreatment against the diocese are being raised.

Three litigations demand compensation for mistreatment perpetrated by religious figures. In one instance, the claimant along with the diocese of Aachen have alerted the court of their intention to settle.

View of the district court in the Aachen Justice Center.
View of the district court in the Aachen Justice Center.

Procedures or steps - Claims of mistreatment against the diocese are being raised.

At Aachen District Court, there's a potential settlement between a complainant and the Diocese of Aachen concerning abuse. As per their statement in response to inquiries, one of the three court cases involves a desired settlement. Three civil cases accuse the Diocese of Aachen for clergy abuse, all dating back years ago. The victims have received recognition payments from the Independent Commission for Acknowledgment Payments of the German Bishops' Conference.

The court suggested ending all three cases through a settlement payment. According to the 12th Civil Chamber's proposed settlement, the Diocese should pay 110,000, 100,000, and 20-25,000 euros in separate cases. For the sought-after settlement, it's estimated the Diocese will pay 100,000 euros.

The deadline set by the court has now passed and they'll announce a decision on July 2nd.

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