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Civil judgment against double murderer confirmed

A convicted double murderer must pay compensation. The civil proceedings should provide an opportunity for the criminal proceedings to be reopened. However, a court rejected this. His wife now wants to hire a private investigator.

Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.
Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.

Processes - Civil judgment against double murderer confirmed

It only took a few minutes for the appeal of a convicted violent criminal in civil proceedings to fail. The Frankfurt Higher Regional Court (OLG) has sentenced the convicted double murderer Andreas Darsow to pay damages in civil proceedings and has not admitted any new evidence about the violent crime. On Wednesday in Darmstadt, the Higher Regional Court confirmed the judgment of the first instance to pay the state of Hesse just under 70,000 euros in all respects and did not allow an appeal.

The sum in question relates to benefits paid to the surviving daughter of a murdered couple. Andreas Darsow's lawyer from Babenhausen in southern Hesse, Sina Moslehi, announced after the hearing that he would appeal to the Federal Court of Justice against the decision not to allow an appeal.

The judges' reasoning

"The appeal is dismissed," said the presiding judge. In a few minutes of reasoning, she affirmed the state's legal claim for damages. This mainly concerned the reimbursement of medical treatment costs and orphan's pension. The court rejected the request by lawyer Gerhard Strate at the beginning of November to examine new evidence. The senate had no doubts about the convicted man's culpability. "The circumstantial evidence is not compatible with the perpetration of a third person." He had a motive.

The family and lawyers of Darsow, who was convicted in a criminal trial in 2011, hoped that possible new evidence regarding silencers would provide them with starting points for reopening the criminal proceedings. For more than ten years, the wife has been fighting for such a retrial together with the 54-year-old convict, who maintains his innocence. However, strict rules apply to this. In its 2011 ruling, the Darmstadt Regional Court considered it proven that the German man ambushed his neighbor in April 2009 after a long-standing dispute over noise pollution and shot him dead. According to the verdict, he then went into the house and shot the sleeping wife in the head with two bullets. He also shot the disabled daughter, who survived seriously injured.

Family and lawyers continue to fight for a retrial

According to Moslehi, it is legally possible to appeal against the non-admission of the appeal. This also applies to a new application to reopen the criminal proceedings. "The door is not quite closed yet," said the lawyer, describing the Higher Regional Court 's reasoning as "thin and narrow". "What we heard today is a legal game of hide and seek." It was merely a reproduction of previous decisions.

"Of course, we didn't have much hope today," said Darsow's wife after the ruling. The court had already said at the beginning of November that it saw no errors in the first instance decision. She now wants to delve deeper into the case with the help of a private investigator. In her view, this did not happen during the police work at the time.

The legal steps against the murder verdict

So far, all efforts to introduce possible new evidence in a new trial have failed. In August 2019, the Kassel Regional Court rejected a retrial, as did the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court in May 2020. In October of the same year, the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe did not accept a constitutional complaint in the case for decision. And the civil proceedings have also failed so far.

Documents on Darsow's representation in retrial proceedings under the Code of Criminal Procedure

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