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Church Restores Previously Sanctioned Clergy to Their Positions

A convicted abuser priest has reportedly been allowed to continue working in the NRW Catholic Church for decades. An investigation into this matter is now underway.

Auf einer Pressekonferenz zur Vorstellung des Maßnahmenplans der "Gutachten-Kommission" zur...
Auf einer Pressekonferenz zur Vorstellung des Maßnahmenplans der "Gutachten-Kommission" zur Aufarbeitung sexuellen Missbrauchs in der katholischen Kirche liegt eine Broschüre für Betroffene sexualisierter Gewalt des Erzbistum Berlins auf dem Tisch.

Misuse or victimization - Church Restores Previously Sanctioned Clergy to Their Positions

Several years ago, the Catholic Church in North Rhine-Westphalia welcomed back a former sex offender as a priest without notifying the parishes. This man, who passed away in 2016, may have committed more sexual offenses had it not been made public.

The priest, of the Diocese of Aachen, was sentenced to prison in 1969 for "indecent acts with minors." He spent time in open detention in Attendorn from 1970 to 1971. Two medical and psychological evaluations, as well as those from the prison's then-head, deemed that there was no risk of reoccurring sexual abuse if the man were to work again.

The Diocese of Aachen then contacted the Archdiocese of Paderborn, requesting the priest to be placed in their region. The priest carried out his duties in Peckelsheim, Letmathe, Rüthen, and Arnsberg. The parish priests and pastoral staff in each place remained unaware of the past of the clergyman. In 1991, the Archdiocese of Paderborn was alerted to the fact that the man was still having sex with a teenager. He was then transferred to Arnsberg. More accusations regarding his time in Peckelsheim and Rüthen emerged later on.

The Archdiocese of Paderborn expressed deep regret over their "irresponsible" decision in allowing the priest to continue his work. The affected parishes' right to comprehensive information about the case will now be prioritized. The Archdiocese requests any potential victims or those with more information related to the matter to reach out to the independent contacts or the intervention office of the Archdiocese. All collected reports will remain confidential.

Press release from the Archdiocese of Paderborn

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