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Chrupalla declares the AfD's election outcome as historic.

Per projections, the AfD emerged as the second strongest political party in Germany during the European elections. AfD leader Tino Chrupalla expressed immense satisfaction, stating, "We've secured an exceptional outcome."

AfD leaders Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla cheer at the AfD party headquarters.
AfD leaders Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla cheer at the AfD party headquarters.

Upcoming European Elections - Chrupalla declares the AfD's election outcome as historic.

Tino Chrupalla, the head of Germany's Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, labeled his party's performance in the European elections as "remarkable." "We've pulled off an incredible feat, and I'm certain it'll keep climbing tonight. Therefore, we won't settle for second place today," Chrupalla announced. According to early estimations, the AfD's percentage of the vote should increase from 11% to between 16% and 16.5%, previously held in the 2019 European elections. Even Alice Weidel, a fellow AfD leader, was enthusiastic about the "incredible outcome."

Not too long ago, the party had been predicted to surpass 20% in public opinion polls. However, the numbers drastically dwindled because of a right-wing gathering in Potsdam, where talks of "remigration" took place, and a span of unflattering news about lead candidate Maximilian Krah and the party's second-highest-ranking official, Petr Bystron. Both Krah and Bystron are reportedly linked to Russia, with Krah allegedly having ties to China as well.

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