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Christmas amnesty gives 322 prisoners earlier freedom

Pre-Christmas leniency empties the prisons: In the course of the annual Christmas amnesty, 322 prisoners were able to vacate their cells.

A candle arch with the logo of the third division soccer team SG Dynamo Dresden stands in
A candle arch with the logo of the third division soccer team SG Dynamo Dresden stands in the window of a prison.

Prison - Christmas amnesty gives 322 prisoners earlier freedom

The traditional so-called Christmas amnesty has given 322 prisoners in North Rhine-Westphalia early freedom this year. This was announced by the NRW Ministry of Justice on Tuesday in Düsseldorf in response to a dpa inquiry, although there could still be changes. Last year, 291 prisoners benefited from the pre-Christmas leniency of the justice system.

The regulation applies to prisoners whose sentence would only have lasted until the beginning of January anyway and who have behaved well behind bars. They are released early so that they can spend the upcoming holidays with their families.

However, experience has shown that many prisoners also refuse to do this: 69 prisoners preferred to spend Christmas 2019 in prison rather than in freedom and opted not to be released early. The ministry did not disclose how many rejected the amnesty this year.

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