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Christians, Jews and Muslims celebrate worship together

Christians, Jews and Muslims celebrated a joint service in Berlin-Mitte on Christmas Eve. The interfaith project House of One hosted the special Christmas Eve service in St. Mary's Church on Alexanderplatz. According to a spokesperson, the service was aimed at everyone, regardless of their...

Customs - Christians, Jews and Muslims celebrate worship together

Christians, Jews and Muslims celebrated a joint service in Berlin-Mitte on Christmas Eve. The interfaith project House of One hosted the special Christmas Eve service in St. Mary's Church on Alexanderplatz. According to a spokesperson, the service was aimed at everyone, regardless of their faith, world view or culture. Because: "All people share the longing for peace." The service was organized by two pastors, a rabbi and an imam and included prayers from Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The House of One has been organizing such services for several years.

Information about the service

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The interfaith project, House of One, is located near Alexanderplatz in Berlin-Mitte. Despite their diverse beliefs, Christians, Jews, and Muslims collectively need solace and peace, which was the focus of the Christmas Eve service. The celebration of Christmas vespers in St. Mary's Church on saint's eve was a testament to the shared worship experienced across different religions. The service, organized by a pastor, rabbi, and imam, was open to everyone, strengthening the bond between various faiths. While the House of One has been hosting such services for several years, this particular event was a remarkable demonstration of religious unity in Berlin.




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