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Celine Dion reportedly consumed incredibly risky medication.

Unremarkable Impact of Valium Beyond Its Prescription Use

Céline Dion announced her diagnosis at the end of 2022.
Céline Dion announced her diagnosis at the end of 2022.

Celine Dion reportedly consumed incredibly risky medication.

Pop diva Celine Dion copes with a life-long, incurable autoimmune condition. Despite the long delay in receiving an accurate diagnosis, she attempted to ease her suffering with a variety of remedies. Now, the vocalist is advocating against self-medication.

Prior to a documentary airing about her living with a neurological disorder, Canadian singer Celine Dion admitted on a TV show to the excessive use of potentially harmful drugs. At first, she began with "small things" before moving on to "extremely dangerous medications" to keep going, as revealed to French broadcaster TF1.

Now 56, Dion publicly disclosed in December 2022 that she was diagnosed with Stiff-Person Syndrome. This autoimmune disorder,characterized by severe pain, limited movements, and muscle spasms, has no known cure. recently, Dion told NBC that the throat pain and spasms felt like being choked, recalling the initial symptoms experienced during a German tour in 2008 when she mysteriously lost control of her voice. Concerts have been off-limits for her since 2020. The documentary "I am: Celine Dion" is set for release on streaming service Amazon Prime Video on June 25.

As the pain became unbearable, she was forced to cancel performances and live a lie, Dion stated during the TV interview. In response to journalist Anne-Claire Coudray's question about using Valium, the singer admitted, "Yes, among other things. It offered some relief initially. But soon enough, the dosage required escalated. When you've overdosed on medication and it stops working, you're left with two choices: keep going or stop breathing and that's it."

During the interview, the singer urged those in similar circumstances to seek help: "Don't be alone with the pain (...) Accept discussing it, but also seeking advice," she advised.

Inspite of her illness, she intends to take the stage again, Dion pledged. "I don't know when. But I will be on stage again." According to various reports, a comeback performance by the Canadian is already scheduled for the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris on July 26.

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