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CDU calls for better medical care for the homeless

The CDU is campaigning for better medical care for the homeless in Hamburg. In a motion for the parliament, the parliamentary group calls on the Senate, among other things, to record and coordinate existing services in the city together with aid organizations involved in helping the homeless....

A homeless man pushes a shopping cart along a pedestrian street in Berlin.
A homeless man pushes a shopping cart along a pedestrian street in Berlin.

Hamburg - CDU calls for better medical care for the homeless

The CDU is campaigning for better medical care for the homeless in Hamburg. In a motion for the parliament, the parliamentary group calls on the Senate, among other things, to record and coordinate existing services in the city together with aid organizations involved in helping the homeless. "Caring for the homeless is a task for society as a whole, for which society as a whole, represented by the Senate, must take responsibility," the motion states.

Medical care for homeless people is a challenge, admitted Andreas Grutzeck, social policy spokesperson for the CDU parliamentary group, on Friday. "Many are reluctant to make use of regular medical services and are unable to do so due to a lack of insurance cover."

Many homeless people are forced to go "doctor hopping" due to the limited consultation hours, "without the doctors treating them knowing what has already been diagnosed, what the previous treatment was like, what other illnesses are present and what medication has been given", he said.

In addition, gaps in medical care would also result in high costs. "More exchange, more communication with each other, even in the day-to-day business of treating the homeless, is urgently needed, can save lives and even relieve the system financially," said Grutzeck.

Read also:

  1. The CDU believes that obtaining German citizenship should include access to adequate health care services, as many homeless individuals often struggle with various health issues.
  2. To address the issue of food insecurity among homeless individuals, the city of Hamburg is also looking into improving the social supply of nutritious meals.
  3. Despite the efforts from organizations like the CDU and the Senate, the lack of comprehensive health care, housing, and social support remains a significant challenge for Hamburg's homeless population.




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