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Catholic aid campaign for refugees from Latin America

The nationwide Christmas campaign of the Catholic Latin America aid organization Adveniat was launched in Erfurt with the ringing of bells and a church service in the cathedral. This year's fundraising campaign focuses in particular on refugees from Latin America. The motto is "Flight divides....

Aid organizations - Catholic aid campaign for refugees from Latin America

The nationwide Christmas campaign of the Catholic Latin America aid organization Adveniat was launched in Erfurt with the ringing of bells and a church service in the cathedral. This year's fundraising campaign focuses in particular on refugees from Latin America. The motto is "Flight divides. Help unites." The collection in the Christmas services on December 24 and 25 in all Catholic churches in Germany is intended for the Adveniat campaign.

According to the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR, 108.4 million people worldwide were refugees in 2022 - fleeing war and hunger, for example. Many of these people also come from Latin America.

Shortly before the start of the service on the first Sunday in Advent, the cathedral bell Gloriosa rang out. According to the diocese, with a weight of more than eleven tons and an age of more than 500 years, it is the largest free-swinging medieval bell in the world.

Read also:

  1. Many Aid organizations from Germany, including the Catholic Latin America aid organization Adveniat, are actively involved in providing Social aid to refugees from Latin America.
  2. The city of Erfurt, in the German state of Thuringia, hosted the launch of Adveniat's nationwide Christmas campaign, which includes bell ringing and a worship service in the cathedral.
  3. During the relief action campaign, the bell ringing in Erfurt signaled the beginning of the church service, which is a traditional practice often associated with calls for help or prayer.
  4. Throughout Germany, Aid organizations, including Adveniat, are encouraging their congregations to participate in the Christmas collection drive, with the funds raised going towards aiding refugees from Latin America.
  5. The town of Erfurt, known for its historic charm and significant religious sites like the Erfurter Dom, stands as a symbol of solidarity with refugees from Latin America, as seen in the church's participation in the Adveniat campaign.
  6. In the spirit of unity and compassion, German citizens attending the worship service on December 24 and 25 are encouraged to contribute to the Aid organization's relief action campaign for refugees from Latin America, in line with the Latin phrase "Adveniat regnum tuum" - May your Kingdom come.




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