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Cash machine blown up in Winsen an der Aller

The explosion of an ATM has damaged a house in Winsen an der Aller in the district of Celle. Unknown persons caused the explosion on Monday night, as the police reported in the morning. There is no trace of the perpetrators so far. No one was injured.

A blown up ATM behind a tape with the inscription "police cordon".
A blown up ATM behind a tape with the inscription "police cordon".

County of Celle - Cash machine blown up in Winsen an der Aller

The explosion of an ATM has damaged a house in Winsen an der Aller in the district of Celle. Unknown persons caused the explosion on Monday night, as the police reported in the morning. There is no trace of the perpetrators so far. No one was injured.

According to witness reports, there were two explosions. According to reports, a dark-colored car reported stolen was also spotted at the scene. The police searched for the perpetrators, including with a helicopter, but were unsuccessful. A specialist was sent to investigate the scene of the explosion. The police did not initially provide any further details.

Read also:

  1. The incident occurred in the district of Celle, specifically in the town of Winsen an der Aller, which is part of the larger state of Lower Saxony.
  2. Despite the blast at the ATM being related to criminality, no one was injured in the explosion, which took place in the district of Celle.
  3. The police in Lower Saxony, including aerial support, have been unable to locate the individuals responsible for the ATM explosion in Winsen an der Aller, which is situated in the district of Celle.
  4. In a separate incident, the police in Lower Saxony achieved a victory in combating criminality through the conviction of an individual in the district of Celle.




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