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Carnivalists celebrate church service in Cologne Cathedral

It has been a tradition for years: before the carnival season really gets going, there is a church service in Cologne Cathedral. This time, however, it took place under difficult conditions.

A policewoman searches a female carnival participant in front of the cathedral.
A policewoman searches a female carnival participant in front of the cathedral.

Customs - Carnivalists celebrate church service in Cologne Cathedral

A church service for carnival revellers took place in Cologne Cathedral on Wednesday evening under heightened security precautions due to the ongoing terror alert. As in previous days since Christmas, participants had to undergo security checks before entering the cathedral. They were also not allowed to take any "weapon-like objects" with them. These ranged from plastic pistols to the guards' sabres, said the police spokeswoman. Before Christmas, the security authorities had received information about an attack by Islamic extremists planned for New Year's Eve.

The service for carnival revellers is one of the best-attended services in the cathedral every year, said a spokeswoman for the Cologne Carnival Festival Committee. "This shows us that there is still a desire among many carnival revellers to ask for a blessing for the session together and not to lose sight of the Christian roots of the festival." The service, which has been celebrated ecumenically for several years, is a contemplative moment before the hustle and bustle of the carnival season. "But of course, every Jeck can make this decision for themselves," emphasized the spokesperson. "Fastelovend" is a celebration for everyone - regardless of whether they belong to a religious community or not."

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