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Büttner appointed as the anti-Semitism commissioner

The hunt for a commissioner against anti-Semitism in Brandenburg has been lengthy. Finally, a preliminary choice has been made.

Andreas Büttner (Die Linke), spokesman for social policy and religious policy for the left-wing...
Andreas Büttner (Die Linke), spokesman for social policy and religious policy for the left-wing parliamentary group, stands in the foyer of the Brandenburg state parliament during the parliamentary session.

Progressive politicians - Büttner appointed as the anti-Semitism commissioner

Andreas Büttner, a left-wing politician, will likely take on the role of Brandenburg's first anti-Semitism commissioner after receiving support from most parliamentary factions. The decision was made by the main committee of the state parliament during a Wednesday meeting, according to German Press Agency reports. Prior to this, the coalition factions of the SPD, CDU, and Greens, together with the Left faction and the group of Free Voters, had reached a consensus. However, the AfD faction opposes the creation of this position.

Büttner, a 50-year-old, was one of many candidates considered for the job and was chosen after a lengthy search that included input from the Jewish communities. The parliament will make the final decision in the coming days. Büttner expressed his excitement about the role, stating, "We need this position more than ever." He is the religious-political spokesperson for the Left faction and one of the co-chairmen of the Israel Friendship Group in the Brandenburg state parliament. While identifying as a Mormon, he doesn't actively practice the religion. The commissioner's role will involve acting as a liaison for Jewish individuals in instances of alleged anti-Semitism. Brandenburg saw a significant increase in anti-Semitic crimes the previous year.

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