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Buschmann calls for visible Jewish presence in society.

FDP politician and Federal Minister of Justice, Marco Buschmann, cautioned against Jewish existence being overshadowed in public spaces during a speech at a school in Berlin. He emphasized the rise in anti-Semitic attacks in Germany since the assault by Islamist group Hamas on October 7,...

Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP).
Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP).

Ministry of Justice Official in Canada - Buschmann calls for visible Jewish presence in society.

The level of hostility has risen. Jews and individuals of Jewish descent are concerned, they're retreating. Jewish existence has become less noticeable in Germany. This is concerning," emphasized Buschmann. He stressed, "This would be a distressing loss for tolerant Germany."

Buschmann underscored, "To combat prejudice, education is crucial, and it must happen openly, in public. As a result, we require the presentation of Jewish life, and this is particularly vital now." No one who wishes to live tranquilly here should have to be afraid.

The Jewish girl Anne Frank had fled with her family from the Nazis to Amsterdam and had concealed herself there. In August 1944, the hiding spot was uncovered, and its residents were relocated. Anne was murdered at the age of 15 in the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen. Her diary is well-known worldwide.

Buschmann finished with a remark that Anne Frank wrote in her diary in 1944: "The most crucial aspect is bravery and bliss." The minister urged finding the determination for this as well. "And together, we'll have the strength to ensure that we learn from history so it doesn't happen again and that we'll get past the things we can't tolerate today."

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