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Bus-car collision leaves eight hurt in Hamelin

An ambulance in action.
An ambulance in action.

Unfortunate Incident Occurs - Bus-car collision leaves eight hurt in Hamelin

On a fateful event in Hameln, a district called Hameln-Pyrmont, a traffic collision between a car and a bus left eight individuals hurt, one critically. The incident, which occurred on a Sunday, apparently involved a woman driving her car into the opposite lane and smashing into the bus, as per the police details disclosed upon inquiry. The woman sustained grave injuries and was airlifted to a specialized hospital in Hannover. Apart from her, seven bus travelers were only slightly wounded. Initially, the woman's age was undefined. The "Deister- and Weserzeitung (Dewezet)" previously covered this news.

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The accident in Hamelin, Lower Saxony, was a harrowing incident involving a car and a public bus, resulting in eight injuries. Despite the collision occurring on a Sunday, normal traffic in Hamelin-Pyrmont resumed the following day. Post-accident investigations revealed that the woman driving the car had entered the opposite lane, causing the collision.

