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Bundestag CSU proposes tougher citizen benefit sanctions

According to a draft resolution, the CSU in the Bundestag wants tougher sanctions for recipients of citizen's allowance who refuse offers of work. "There must be benefit cuts for as long as a citizen's allowance recipient refuses to accept reasonable work," says the paper for the CSU members of...

The CSU logo in the courtyard of the party headquarters in Munich.
The CSU logo in the courtyard of the party headquarters in Munich.

Parties - Bundestag CSU proposes tougher citizen benefit sanctions

According to a draft resolution, the CSU in the Bundestag wants tougher sanctions for recipients of citizen's allowance who refuse offers of work. "There must be benefit cuts for as long as a citizen's allowance recipient refuses to accept reasonable work," says the paper for the CSU members of parliament's retreat from January 6 to 8 in Seeon Monastery in Upper Bavaria. The paper was reported on by the news portal t-online - it was also made available to dpa in Munich.

"We want to ensure that recipients of citizen's allowance who are able to work have to accept available work and that those who persistently refuse to cooperate are sanctioned with the withdrawal of benefits," the paper states. "We reject a maximum duration for benefit cuts."

Federal Minister of Labor Hubertus Heil (SPD) has already proposed to the federal government to tighten sanctions for recipients of citizen's allowance who repeatedly refuse reasonable offers of work. The state should temporarily only pay them the costs of accommodation and heating in order to avoid homelessness. It was announced at the end of December that the standard rate of citizen's benefit would be abolished for two months. However, this has not yet been finally agreed in the red-green-yellow cabinet.

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