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Brandenburg now chairs the Conference of Interior Ministers

Brandenburg took over the chairmanship of the Conference of Interior Ministers (IMK) at the turn of the year. Berlin held this position last year. Brandenburg's Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) had announced that the EU asylum reform would be a future focus of the IMK. The EU member...

Michael Stübgen (CDU), Interior Minister of Brandenburg, sits at the Conference of
Michael Stübgen (CDU), Interior Minister of Brandenburg, sits at the Conference of Interior Ministers (IMK).

Domestic policy - Brandenburg now chairs the Conference of Interior Ministers

Brandenburg took over the chairmanship of the Conference of Interior Ministers (IMK) at the turn of the year. Berlin held this position last year. Brandenburg's Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) had announced that the EU asylum reform would be a future focus of the IMK. The EU states and the European Parliament had agreed on uniform procedures at Europe's external borders.

The Minister would also like to eliminate legal ambiguities in the police's emergency response. "It is regulated in 16 state police laws, which are also quite different," said Stübgen recently. If, for example, an offender convicted of domestic violence is not allowed to approach a home in Brandenburg and ambushes the woman at work in Berlin, the legal situation is unclear in the Minister's opinion.

According to the ministry, a symbolic handover of the baton for the chairmanship of the IMK is planned for January 12 in Potsdam. A meeting of the federal and state interior ministers is planned in Potsdam in June and in Rheinsberg in December. The IMK chairmanship passes to a different federal state each year.

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Brandenburg's chairmanship of the Conference of Interior Ministers (IMK) commenced at the turn of the year, following Berlin's term. Michael Stübgen, Brandenburg's Interior Minister and a CDU member, indicated that the EU asylum reform would be a significant focus for the IMK, aligning with the EU states and European Parliament's agreement on uniform border procedures. Stübgen also voiced concerns about legal ambiguities in emergency response situations, such as when a domestic violence offender, barred from approaching a home in Brandenburg, ambushes a woman in Berlin, due to vague legislations in different state police laws. A symbolic handover event for the IMK chairmanship is set for January 12 in Potsdam, with future meetings scheduled for June in Potsdam and December in Rheinsberg, before the chairmanship passes to another federal state the following year.




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