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Bonifatiuswerk aids 1,000 initiatives to the tune of 10 million euros.

In 2023, the Bonifatiuswerk of the Catholic Church donated €9.6 million to advance Christian causes in Germany, Northern Europe, and the Baltic States. This represented an increase of 229 projects from the previous year, as detailed in the annual report unveiled in Dresden on Tuesday.

A ray of light falls on a cross in a church.
A ray of light falls on a cross in a church.

Religious institution - Bonifatiuswerk aids 1,000 initiatives to the tune of 10 million euros.

Though the current circumstances bring challenges and crises that make it hard for us, a Catholic relief group, to foresee long-term plans, we remain thankful and fulfilled about the previous fiscal year, Monsignor Georg Austen, our General Secretary, shared. In various pastoral activities, social and charitable efforts, it's evident that faith comes alive and is tangible.

The report showed 4.4 million euros in funds directed to Germany, 4.7 million euros to Northern Europe, and close to 500,000 euros to Estonia and Latvia. Just under 1.7 million euros were allocated for child and youth services, over 881,000 euros for initiatives related to faith assistance. Moreover, 73 construction projects, with an overall budget of 2.7 million euros, were sponsored, as well as missionary personnel positions that received 417,200 euros.

The income of the organization is stated to have dropped to 13.2 million euros in the fiscal year 2023. In comparison to the year before, this is a decline of around 3.1 million euros. Donations saw a drop of 24%, while collections increased by 11% to reach 4.1 million euros.

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