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Blessing of homosexuals: a step in the right direction

Catholic reform groups see the papal permission to bless homosexual partnerships under certain conditions as a "small step in the right direction".

A man holds a rainbow flag in his hand.
A man holds a rainbow flag in his hand.

Catholic reform groups - Blessing of homosexuals: a step in the right direction

Catholic reform groups see the papal permission to bless homosexual partnerships under certain conditions as a "small step in the right direction".

"This can be an important signal for homosexual couples in places where pastoral staff have so far withheld the blessing, which may now no longer be denied to them," the reform movement "We are Church" announced in Munich on Tuesday. "Especially in the many parts of the world where queer people are persecuted because of their sexual identity and orientation, every step, no matter how small, is needed."

However, the decision does not go far enough: "The justification based on morality shows that nothing has really changed in the attitude and understanding of the Roman Catholic Church leadership with regard to the reality of the lives of homosexual and remarried couples."

Pope Francis had paved the way for the blessing of homosexual couples in the Catholic Church under certain conditions. This emerged from a letter published by the Vatican in Rome on Monday. According to the official German translation, the letter refers to the "possibility of blessing couples in irregular situations and same-sex couples".

The Catholic LGBT+ Committee assessed the decision on Tuesday as a "courageous step". "In doing so, they are quite successfully making up for decades of lagging behind in theology and pastoral care," it said in a statement. "Unfortunately, the Vatican declaration sticks to the previous teaching on marriage. Loving relationships outside of lifelong marriage between a man and a woman are alien to it."

"Maria 2.0" assessed the decision as a "first small but absolutely insufficient step towards equality": "Although this measure shows a certain, long overdue opening, it in no way adequately addresses the deeper structural problems and discrimination within the Catholic Church."

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