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Before Convicts Are Called to Serve Time in Prison

Four convicts who were initially freed after stealing jewels from the Historic Green Vault in Dresden may have to serve the rest of their sentences in the near future, according to a spokesperson for the Dresden public prosecutor's office. The spokesperson said that the execution could start...

The defendants in the jewel robbery trial in the Green Vault are sitting in Dresden District Court.
The defendants in the jewel robbery trial in the Green Vault are sitting in Dresden District Court.

Robbery at the Green Vault. - Before Convicts Are Called to Serve Time in Prison

On November 25, 2019, a stunning art heist took place at Saxony's esteemed Jewelry Museum. Thieves managed to steal 21 spectacular jewelry pieces made of diamonds and brilliants, leaving behind damages worth over a million Euros. To make their escape, they even set one of their getaway cars on fire in the underground garage of a residential building.

Come May 2023, the Landgericht Dresden brought justice, with a total of five young men from the notorious Berliner Remmo-Clan sentenced to lengthy prison terms. Interestingly, four of them had served their arrest warrants under supervision as part of a plea deal. However, the fifth individual had to stay behind bars. One of their relatives belonging to a famous Arabic family was cleared of all charges. While a significant portion of the stolen goods was recovered as a result of the deal, some of the most prized pieces are still unaccounted for.

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