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Baerbock calls on Arabs to work together

Following the end of the humanitarian ceasefire, heavy fighting is raging again in the Gaza Strip. Baerbock also sees the key to peace and security between Israel and the Palestinians in the region.

"Everyone who wants to end the suffering must work together now," says Foreign Minister
"Everyone who wants to end the suffering must work together now," says Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.

Middle East peace solution - Baerbock calls on Arabs to work together

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has called on the Arab states to work together constructively for a peace solution between Israel and the Palestinians in the face of new heavy fighting in the Gaza Strip.

"All those who want to end the suffering must work together now," the Green politician told the German Press Agency in Berlin. "Because the key to a life in peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians also lies in the region."

Especially in the hours in which a continuation of the humanitarian ceasefire was being discussed, she said that "a close exchange with the constructive and moderate Arab states in the region was important. We have made this our priority from the outset and we will not let up in this commitment." Baerbock particularly emphasized the mediation activities of Qatar, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as well as Bahrain and Morocco.

Key to a peace solution

"In a situation in which one more spark is enough to set the entire region on fire, Germany will continue to work intensively with its regional partners to ensure that Hamas no longer has the chance to bring the terror of October 7 upon Israel again and again," explained the Foreign Minister. "So that a future for the region is possible in which all states have a right to sovereignty and to live in peace and security."

Baerbock emphasized the "indispensable role" that Qatar is playing as a mediator in negotiating humanitarian ceasefires and the release of hostages. "14 German-Israelis, including many children and women, have already been able to return to their families from the dark tunnels of Hamas thanks to this invaluable commitment," she explained.

The fact that the key to a peace solution lies in the region is also shown by "the great sense of responsibility with which Egypt is proceeding with the all-important humanitarian care for the suffering people in Gaza and its invaluable mediation efforts in the hostage issue". It is also evident in the extent to which Saudi Arabia is opposing terror - "with its efforts towards a historic normalization that could consolidate and put the security of Israel and the entire region on a new footing in the future".

Danger of a regional conflagration

Baerbock also emphasized Riyadh's efforts to contain the danger of a regional conflagration - "because the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen continue to ignite dangerously". The fact that Saudi Arabia is using its air force to intercept Houthi missiles aimed at Israel underlines the fact that "a peaceful future for the entire region remains a concern for Saudi Arabia, which the country is actively committed to."

Without Jordan's role as a mediator and its great humanitarian aid efforts, "many more desperate people would be left in terrible suffering", explained Baerbock. The importance of the Arab states for a peace solution is also shown "by how strongly the United Arab Emirates are committed to humanitarian aid and how unwaveringly they, Bahrain and Morocco are sticking to the peace treaties with Israel despite enormous counter-pressure", emphasized the Minister, adding: "Because they know that this is the only way for Palestinians to have a future in security."

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. Annalena Baerbock urged Arab states like Bahrain and Morocco to collaborate effectively in finding a peace solution between Israel and the Palestinians, recognizing their critical role in the region.
  2. The Federal Government in Germany, led by Baerbock, placed great emphasis on the constructive contributions of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in facilitating negotiations and humanitarian ceasefires.
  3. Amidst discussions of a humanitarian ceasefire, Baerbock highlighted the importance of dialogue with moderate Arab states to ensure a lasting resolution to the conflicts in the Palestinian territories.
  4. The German Press Agency reported Baerbock's call for cooperation, emphasizing that a just future for Israelis and Palestinians relies on regional collaboration.
  5. Baerbock commended the efforts of Qatar in mediating humanitarian ceasefires and the release of hostages, such as the 14 German-Israelis rescued from Hamas' tunnels.
  6. Regarding the Gaza Strip, where heavy fighting has occurred, Baerbock stressed Germany's commitment to preventing Hamas from reinstating the terror it brought upon Israel in October 2007.
  7. Israel's future peace and security relies on regional stability, which Egypt is contributing to by providing essential humanitarian aid and negotiating hostage releases.
  8. Saudi Arabia is playing a significant role in containing the danger of regional conflagration, particularly by intercepting Houthi missiles aimed at Israel.
  9. Without Jordan's mediation and humanitarian efforts, countless Palestinians would be left in dire circumstances.
  10. Arab states like the UAE are actively committed to humanitarian aid, and countries like Bahrain and Morocco remain steadfast in their peace treaties with Israel to secure a future for Palestinians.
  11. Baerbock argued that regional collaboration is necessary to uphold peace and security in the Arabian Peninsula, preventing further armed conflicts and war in places like Gaza and the surrounding territories.
  12. The potential for cooperation between countries like Hamas and Israel remains a complex issue, with tensions arising from historical conflicts and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian dispute.




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