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ATM explosion: suspects crash into police vehicle

Unknown individuals detonated an ATM in Lower Franconia, causing a crash with a police car as they fled. According to initial findings from the Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation in Munich, the perpetrators did not appear to have stolen any money. This is the 14th ATM explosion in...

A police patrol car is parked on a street.
A police patrol car is parked on a street.

Würzburg's District - ATM explosion: suspects crash into police vehicle

In the early hours of the morning on Wednesday, investigators say suspects blew up a cash dispenser in a two-story residence in Kist (within the Würzburg district). Neighbors reported the incident to authorities, and when officers arrived, the criminals were seen fleeing in two dark vehicles. One of the escaping vehicles crashed outside a nearby bank.

Investigators believed the sophisticated security features at the cash dispenser and prompt response from police prevented the criminals from obtaining any cash. Thankfully, the household living in the house were unharmed during the explosion.

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