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Athens once again repays debt early

13 years ago, Greece was in danger of becoming insolvent. Numerous crisis meetings and tough years threatened to tear Greek society apart. But the country fought its way back to the top.

Once again, Greece pays off loans from the debt crisis early.
Once again, Greece pays off loans from the debt crisis early.

Euro bailout fund - Athens once again repays debt early

Greece has repaid loans totaling 5.29 billion euros ahead of schedule, which would not have been due until 2024 and 2025. These are bilateral loans that were granted to Greece by other EU states in 2010 as part of the first bailout package to prevent the country from becoming insolvent, according to the Ministry of Finance.

Greece had also already repaid its entire debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2022 - almost two years earlier than planned.

Greek Finance Minister Kostis Chatdidakis commented on the current repayment: "The early repayment of the loans is proof of the upward trend of the Greek economy and contributes to an even more positive outlook for the coming years."

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