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At the Catholic Day event, Habeck issues an apology.

Attendees at the Katholikentag enthusiastically welcome the Vice-Chancellor with applause. Habeck quickly extends a sorry.

Robert Habeck (Alliance 90/The Greens) comes to a panel discussion.
Robert Habeck (Alliance 90/The Greens) comes to a panel discussion.

Religious institution - At the Catholic Day event, Habeck issues an apology.

Robert Habeck, the Vice Chancellor, kicked off his visit to the 103rd Catholic Day in Erfurt by apologizing. Apparently, it's his first time at this event for Catholic laypeople. He described it as a "mistake from the past." The Green Party member explained that he's just following his predetermined itinerary at this point, with no say in the matter. "I'm completely at the mercy of my schedule," he joked, which got a laugh from the audience.

Upon arriving at the Old Opera, attendees greeted Habeck with enthusiastic applause. Before the panel discussion commenced, there was already a lengthy line of ticket holders waiting.

The Catholic Day in Erfurt kicked off on Wednesday and runs through Sunday. High-profile politicians usually make an appearance at such religious events. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) was also present on Friday.

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