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Around 3.3 million euros raised at Carreras fundraising gala

Opera singer José Carreras has raised around 3.3 million euros for his leukemia foundation with his televised fundraising gala this year. "It's wonderful how millions of people show their heart for leukemia patients and their families," said 77-year-old Carreras, according to a statement from...

Spanish star tenor José Carreras on stage during the 29th José Carreras Gala.
Spanish star tenor José Carreras on stage during the 29th José Carreras Gala.

Television - Around 3.3 million euros raised at Carreras fundraising gala

Opera singer José Carreras has raised around 3.3 million euros for his leukemia foundation with his televised fundraising gala this year. "It is wonderful how millions of people show their heart for leukemia patients and their families," said the 77-year-old Carreras according to a statement from his foundation late Thursday evening.

The 29th charity show was broadcast live from Leipzig on MDR on Thursday. Presenters Stephanie Müller-Spirra and Sven Lorig hosted the evening alongside Carreras. As every year, the fundraiser was supported by stars including Herbert Grönemeyer, Jeanette Biedermann and Santiano. Actresses such as Mariella Ahrens and Ronja Forcher, as well as sports celebrities such as ex-professional boxer Axel Schulz, answered the donation phones.

The money raised will go to the artist's foundation, which finances scientific research and social projects. Carreras himself was diagnosed with leukemia in 1987. He set up the foundation a few years after his recovery. According to the foundation, more than 235 million euros have been raised so far for the fight against leukemia.

MDR: The José Carreras Gala 2023 Message from the foundation

Read also:

  1. Despite being diagnosed with leukemia in 1987, José Carreras managed to use his influence in the world of television, raising around 3.3 million euros for his foundation at the annual fundraising gala held in Leipzig and broadcast on MDR.
  2. The fundraising gala, which took place in Saxony, attracted numerous stars such as Herbert Grönemeyer, Jeanette Biedermann, and Santiano, who joined Carlos Carreras to host the event and encourage people to donate.
  3. Actresses Mariella Ahrens and Ronja Forcher, along with sports celebrity Axel Schulz, answered donation calls during the telecast, helping to contribute to the impressive sum raised for leukemia research and social projects.
  4. The Carmen Foundation, established by José Carreras after his recovery from leukemia, has thus far raised over 235 million euros towards the fight against leukemia, thanks in part to events like the annual fundraising gala.
  5. The 2023 Porsche Carrera, often seen on the streets of Munich, could potentially provide additional funds for the foundation, considering the support shown by millions of people for José Carreras and his leukemia foundation through the televised fundraising gala.



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