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Argentina: Milei's controversial economic reforms come into force

"Economic emergency"

Argentina: Milei's controversial economic reforms come into force
Argentina: Milei's controversial economic reforms come into force

Argentina: Milei's controversial economic reforms come into force

In Argentina, the controversial economic reforms of President Javier Milei have taken effect. The package passed by the parliament in Buenos Aires in late June allows Milei to declare a one-year "economic emergency," enabling him to dissolve bureaucracies and privatize state companies. Additionally, pensions are to be cut, labor rights restricted, and foreign investments tax incentives.

Originally, the package was supposed to be much more comprehensive. However, it was watered down to secure the approval of the Senate. Milei's party does not have a majority in both congressional chambers. The ultraliberal and self-proclaimed "Anarcho-Capitalist" Milei, who is considered a supporter of the former US President Donald Trump, won the presidency in the previous November.

Upon taking office, Milei announced a "shock therapy" for Argentina, which he claims will help him get a handle on rampant inflation and boost the economy. He devalued the Argentine Peso and drastically cut state subsidies.

Milei's stated goal is to have no additional government debt by the end of 2024. The monthly inflation rate has since dropped to 4.2%, the lowest since nearly three years.

Milei's austerity policies, however, have led to a significant decrease in the purchasing power of a large portion of Argentinians. The International Monetary Fund expects a 3.5% contraction in economic output for this year. Protests against Milei's policies have been ongoing for months.

  1. Due to the state of emergency declared by President Milei, several bureaucracies in Argentina are being dissolved with the aim of making the economy more economical.
  2. The economic reforms implemented by Milei, including privatizing state companies and reducing labor rights, are expected to attract more foreign investments due to the tax incentives offered.
  3. Despite the controversial economic reforms and the ongoing protests against them, Argentina has seen positive economic changes such as reduced inflation and lower monthly inflation rates, as well as a drop in government debt, a key goal for President Milei.

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