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Another 600 must expect evacuation in Oldenburg

Due to the flooding in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, around 600 more people have to prepare for evacuation, according to the city. In the area of Sandkruger Straße, the dykes are under heavy strain and a dyke breach cannot be ruled out at this point, the city announced on Sunday afternoon. Should...

Firefighters hand out sandbags to residents in the area of the Hunte at Achterdiek in a
Firefighters hand out sandbags to residents in the area of the Hunte at Achterdiek in a parking lot.

Flood zone - Another 600 must expect evacuation in Oldenburg

Due to the flooding in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, around 600 more people have to prepare for evacuation, according to the city. In the area of Sandkruger Straße, the dykes are under heavy strain and a dyke breach cannot be ruled out at this point, the city announced on Sunday afternoon. Should this happen, the fire department will make loudspeaker announcements to inform people of the evacuation. Those affected should only take the essentials and important documents with them. Rooms in a grammar school are planned as temporary accommodation.

A mobile dyke will be erected over a length of two kilometers as a precautionary measure in the event of a dyke breach. The installation work is to begin in daylight on New Year's morning. "We want to be ahead of the situation," said Lord Mayor Jürgen Krogmann (SPD). The measure was purely preventative and had already been used once before in 1998, but did not come to fruition at the time.

German air traffic control had also established a no-fly-over zone for Oldenburg and neighboring areas since Sunday morning. The ban is to apply up to an altitude of 1000 feet (around 300 meters) up to and including 3 January, so that the airspace is reserved for operational and reconnaissance flights. According to the city, all aircraft, including private planes and drones, are affected.

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