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Almost 35,000 people attended Bundeswehr Day in Holzdorf.

The location where Brandenburg and Saxony-Anhalt meet is being transformed into a significant air force station. Inspector General Breuer commends the collaboration.

A Sikorsky CH-53 transport helicopter performs a flight demonstration at the Armed Forces Day.
A Sikorsky CH-53 transport helicopter performs a flight demonstration at the Armed Forces Day.

Military facility housing aircraft. - Almost 35,000 people attended Bundeswehr Day in Holzdorf.

On the day of the German army, Bundeswehr, approximately 36,000 people flocked to the military airbase in Schönewalde/Holzdorf near the border of Brandenburg and Sachsen-Anhalt. Luftwaffe spokesperson expressed their satisfaction with the attendance. The base is planned to become one of the primary Luftwaffe bases in Germany. Attendees witnessed flight demos and even got a glimpse of the brand new combat plane, F-35.

The event was graced by Bundeswehr Inspector General Carsten Breuer, Saxony-Anhalt's Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff, and Brandenburg's Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke. Breuer highly praised the partnership between the federal states and the military. "As the highest-ranking military official in Germany, I can't emphasize enough how thankful we soldiers are for the close relationship between politicians and administrators from two federal states with the Bundeswehr. This is a clear indication that in the new century, the civilian and military gears are meshing."

Upgrades to the Schönewalde/Holzdorf base include acquiring the Israeli air defense system Arrow 3, which allows for the interception of missiles flying at high altitudes. The base will also house 47 out of the 60 new heavy-lift helicopters of the Bundeswehr. Nine German military bases were made accessible to the public for Bundeswehr Day.

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