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All that glitters is not silver!

Film adaptation of a book that makes you feel ashamed

Fighting her way through a cinematic nightmare in "Silver": Jana McKinnon as
Fighting her way through a cinematic nightmare in "Silver": Jana McKinnon as

All that glitters is not silver!

With "Silver and the Book of Dreams", another German book is being flogged on the streaming market. The result is not only shockingly uninspired, it is also boring beyond measure.

Adapting bestselling literature for series or films is currently booming in the ever-expanding streaming market. Many readers guarantee many viewers, the strategists in the planning and marketing departments seem to think. The new German Amazon original production "Silver and the Book of Dreams" shows that this does not always have to contribute to the book's reputation.

"Silver" is based on one of the young adult book series by author Kerstin Gier. The story of 15-year-old Olivia Silber, who is drawn into the fantastic world of dreams, is certainly justified in book form. The cinematic realization, on the other hand, is likely to alienate more than just fans. What those responsible present to viewers in 90 minutes on one of the biggest streaming providers in the run-up to Christmas is on the level of a 1980s TV movie.

A detailed review of "Silver and the Book of Dreams" by Ronny Rüsch - now in a new episode of the ntv podcast "Oscars & Raspberries". Also included: the social drama "A Wet Dog" and an analysis of the previous "Dune" films and series.

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