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Afghanistan launches nationwide polio vaccination campaign

Afghanistan wants to defeat polio and is launching a nationwide vaccination campaign for millions of children. Can the fight against the disease succeed?

A health worker administers a polio vaccine to a child.
A health worker administers a polio vaccine to a child.

Diseases - Afghanistan launches nationwide polio vaccination campaign

Afghanistan has announced a nationwide vaccination campaign against the polio virus. According to the Taliban-led health ministry, more than 8.8 million children are to be vaccinated against the disease, also known as polio, from Monday onwards. The number of cases detected this year is worrying, said Taliban Health Minister Kalandar Ebad.

The campaign is designed for a period of four days, but will be extended to one week in 42 districts in the east of the country, where the risk of infection is very high. The World Health Organization (WHO) had previously warned that the return of hundreds of thousands of Afghans after mass deportations from neighbouring Pakistan increased the risk of the virus spreading.

Disease without a cure

Polio is a contagious infectious disease that can cause permanent paralysis and death, especially in young children. The virus is often spread via contaminated water. There is currently no cure. The disease has been eradicated in most countries of the world as a result of vaccination campaigns. Afghanistan is one of the few countries where cases of the wild type of the virus still occur regularly.

In the past, vaccination teams in Afghanistan have repeatedly come under attack. Extremists are also spreading conspiracy theories about alleged side effects. Before coming to power two years ago, the Taliban had banned vaccinations in areas under their control. However, the United Nations (UN) successfully negotiated a resumption of the vaccination program.

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The BMG, the German Federal Ministry of Health, has pledged its support to the polio vaccination campaign in Afghanistan, highlighting the importance of science and international cooperation in combating the disease. Despite the challenges posed by security threats and conspiracy theories, it's crucial to continue vaccination efforts to protect the children of Afghanistan from polio and other diseases. The Taliban has now allowed vaccination teams to operate freely in their controlled areas, marking a significant step forward in the fight against polio in the country. The success of the vaccination campaign could potentially lead to the eradication of poliovirus in Afghanistan, saving countless lives and improving the overall health of the nation.



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