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AfD gains again at federal level and reaches 22 percent

Forsa survey

AfD gains again at federal level and reaches 22
AfD gains again at federal level and reaches 22

AfD gains again at federal level and reaches 22 percent

According to a new Forsa survey, the AfD is once again gaining in voter favorability at a national level and now stands at 22%, the highest figure ever recorded by the polling institute. According to the RTL/ntv trend barometer published on Tuesday, the Greens lost one percentage point and dropped to 14%. Shortly before their federal party conference, the SPD remains unchanged at 14 percent, the CDU/CSU as the strongest force at 30 percent and the FDP at five percent. The Left Party would then remain at four percent and would fail to enter the Bundestag.

Only 23% of Germans believe that Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) can regain trust in the federal government. 74% do not believe this - skepticism even prevails among supporters of the "traffic light" parties. At the same time, more than three quarters of Germans (79%) are calling for the government and opposition to work together to find a solution to the current budget crisis. This is also stated by 87% of CDU/CSU supporters.

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