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AFD completes count for nine run-off district elections.

In nine Thuringian districts, the AfD has made it to the final round in the district administrator elections. This confirmation comes after the conclusion of voting in all constituencies and mayoral contests on Monday. The Saale-Holzland district was the last one to declare its results, with...

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Election outcomes - AFD completes count for nine run-off district elections.

The far-right party, AfD, has candidates running in the second round of elections in various districts - Eichsfeld, Gotha, Sömmerda, Greiz, Altenburger Land, Kyffhäuserkreis, and Ilm-Kreis, and Wartburgkreis. In Altenburger Land, one of their candidates is currently leading. However, in some instances, Björn Höcke, who is part of the party's far-right wing, ranked behind the frontrunners.

Among the 13 AfD candidates vying for the positions of Landrat and Oberbürgermeister, none made it to the second round in the Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis nor in the cities of Erfurt, Jena, and Gera. In the 2018 local elections, Gera was the only city that had an AfD candidate in a runoff election.

Read also:

  1. Despite not making it to the second round in Erfurt, AfD still has a run-off election in Greiz, showcasing their continued presence in Thuringia's constituencies.
  2. The counting process for the run-off election in Eichsfeld is underway, with AfD hoping to secure a victory in the county level.
  3. In Gotha, a run-off election is being contested by several parties, including the CDU and AfD, making it an interesting race in the district office.
  4. The far-right AfD party is vying for positions in various municipalities like Sömmerda and Kyffhäuserkreis, hoping to make an impact in the local elections.
  5. The AfD's performance in the run-off elections will play a significant role in shaping the political landscape of Thuringia, a county known for its diverse municipalities.
  6. The stakes are high for both the CDU and AfD in the run-off election in Ilm-Kreis, as the outcome could swing the balance of power in the constituency.
  7. The disappointing results in the first round for AfD in cities like Erfurt and Jena have not deterred them from participating in the run-off elections in Wartburgkreis, demonstrating their determination to make a mark in Germany.
  8. The aftermath of the run-off elections will likely lead to a reshuffling of political alliances in Thuringia, with potential winners seeking to form coalitions and ensure their impact in the state.




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