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Advent wreath goes up in flames: Tenant rescued

An Advent wreath caught fire on the upper floor of an apartment building in Dresden on Thursday night. The tenant had called the fire department because smoke had spread in her apartment and in the stairwell, as the Dresden fire department announced on Thursday. The firefighters extinguished...

The blue light shines on the roof of a fire engine.
The blue light shines on the roof of a fire engine.

Dresden - Advent wreath goes up in flames: Tenant rescued

An Advent wreath caught fire on the upper floor of an apartment building in Dresden on Thursday night. The tenant had called the fire department because smoke had spread in her apartment and in the stairwell, as the Dresden fire department announced on Thursday. The firefighters extinguished the fire, ventilated the apartment and brought the woman to safety. She was treated by the emergency services. The Dresden fire department warns of an increased fire risk, especially during the Christmas season: candles should only be lit under supervision.

Press release

Read also:

  1. Despite the incident with the Advent wreath causing a scare on the upper floor of an apartment in Saxony's Dresden, the woman was safely rescued by the Fire department.
  2. Remarkably, this incident occurred just a few blocks away from where a series of house fires have been reported in recent weeks, causing concern among local residents.
  3. The Fire department recommends that during the upcoming Advent season, candles should only be lit under supervision to minimize the risk of residential fires, as a response to the incident in Dresden.


