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Additional landfills are required in the north by 2034.

Environmental Ministry research reveals that certain landfills in the north are approaching full capacity by 2034. Increased recycling efforts won't suffice, prompting the recommendation for an expansion.

Tobias Goldschmidt (Bündnis90/Grüne), Minister for Energy Transition, Climate Protection,...
Tobias Goldschmidt (Bündnis90/Grüne), Minister for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature.

The Environmental Ministry - Additional landfills are required in the north by 2034.

A new report published by the Environmental Ministry in Schleswig-Holstein predicts the need for more space to handle waste in the region by 2034. The report discusses the expected growth of waste volumes, the percentage that can be recycled, and the number of landfills required.

Minister Tobias Goldschmidt (Green Party) said, "As we transition to a circular economy, landfills will still play a crucial role for the time being." While some materials can be recycled, not all of them can. Landfills are necessary to remove pollutants from the economic cycle. To minimize resource consumption, the recycling rate of waste must continue to increase.

The report reveals that there are several types of landfills with varying numbers and regional distribution. Particularly, there is a higher demand for landfills designed for lightly to moderately contaminated mineral construction and demolition waste, waste generated from waste treatment plants, and ash, slags, and foundry waste as some of these landfills are likely to reach their capacity before 2034.

To meet this increased demand, the ministry believes that it will be necessary to build new landfills or expand existing ones. A greater emphasis on recycling would not be enough to eliminate the need for landfills within the next ten years.

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