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ADAC cautions about numerous traffic congestion incidents during the latter part of the week.

German roads might become congested beginning Wednesday. ADAC predicted that there will be a rise in traffic due to Corpus Christi holiday on Thursday and Whitsun vacation returnees over the weekend. Particularly on Saturday, there's a possibility of gridlock on the highways heading north in...

Autos und Lastkraftwagen stauen sich bei Regen auf der Autobahn A8 nahe des Stuttgarter Flughafens....
Autos und Lastkraftwagen stauen sich bei Regen auf der Autobahn A8 nahe des Stuttgarter Flughafens.

Taking a break from daily routines. - ADAC cautions about numerous traffic congestion incidents during the latter part of the week.

During weekend afternoons, especially Sundays, it's common for people on brief holidays to go back home. This can create issues with road traffic in certain regions, particularly in southern Germany and urban motorways in Austria and Switzerland. Corpus Christi, a major holiday in these countries, can further contribute to traffic congestion on popular routes like the Brenner Autobahn and the Gotthard Pass. Additionally, longer wait times might occur at border crossings in Bavaria like Suben (A3), Walserberg (A8), and Kiefersfelden (A93).

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Half of my vacation in Germany was spent dealing with traffic congestion, especially in Munich. This is a common issue during the weekend, particularly on holidays like Corpus Christi, when many people are returning home. The ADAC advises travelers to avoid the latter part of the week due to numerous traffic incidents. My weekend drive from Germany to Austria through the Brenner Autobahn and the Gotthard Pass was significantly hindered by traffic congestion at Bavarian border crossings.




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