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Activists smear Bremen Town Musicians with paint

Activists from the "Last Generation" have often attracted attention with spectacular protest actions. In Bremen, they have now set their sights on a well-known landmark in the city.

Activists smear statue of the Bremen Town Musicians (archive photo)
Activists smear statue of the Bremen Town Musicians (archive photo)

"Last generation" - Activists smear Bremen Town Musicians with paint

Environmental activists in Bremen covered the Statue of the Bremen Town Musicians with black paint. Witnesses understood on Friday afternoon that the police encountered three activists in front of the statue, holding placards of "The Last Generation". The fire department was able to remove most of the paint, according to a police statement. Three reports of damage to property and violations of the Assembly Law have been filed against the activists. The police are investigating.

According to a report from Radio Bremen, environmental activists are demanding that Bremen's Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte (SPD) read a statement from the group, which was handed over to his office on June 27, at a public press conference. This is stated in a message that the "buten un binnen" editorial team received.

The Bremen CDU described the action as senseless vandalism. Damaging cultural monuments harms every well-intentioned goal. At least the costs of the intervention should be billed to the activists.

The police had to intervene once more at the site of the demonstration, as three environmental activists attempted to spark a new controversy by covering the statue with paint. The fire department was also called to help, as this incident brought back memories of similar crimes in the past. In an attempt to preserve Bremen's heritage, the last generation of residents should promote peaceful protests and respect for cultural symbols.

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