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A witness aims to identify Christian B. as the culprit.

A witness claims that Christian B., the suspect in the Madeleine McCann case, attacked her at the beach 17 years ago. Shortly after the incident, Maddie vanished from the area.

Der Angeklagte Christian B. kommt mit Handschellen in den Gerichtssaal im Landgericht Braunschweig....
Der Angeklagte Christian B. kommt mit Handschellen in den Gerichtssaal im Landgericht Braunschweig.

Procedures or Activities - A witness aims to identify Christian B. as the culprit.

During the trial for sexual child abuse involving Christian B., who is also a suspect in the Madeleine McCann murder case, a witness has positively identified the accused as the offender in an incident at a Portuguese beach back in 2007. At the Braunschweig court on Tuesday, a 27-year-old woman asserted with confidence, "I am extremely positive about this." She recounted the scene, which may have been witnessed by other children, "He smiled - he attacked everyone."

The alleged victim shared her experience, saying she was playing with her brother and friends at the beach when she saw an unclothed man. After her report, she was left independent for a brief moment before the man grabbed her wrist and inquired about her name. Upon being finished, the man released her, the witness stated to the court.

The alleged offense at a beach section in Salema, within the Faro district, is charged as the sexual abuse of children in the Braunschweig trial. In this case, the repeatedly convicted sex offender is implicated in three rapes and two instances of child sexual abuse. The trial has garnered much attention considering the defendant is also under suspicion for the abduction and death of the three-year-old Madeleine McCann, who went missing from a Portuguese holiday complex in 2007. Although the McCann case is not the focus of this court case, the presumption of innocence still applies unconditionally.

Several years after the assault, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) contacted her, the witness shared. In 2020, she came across a crime report on the ZDF show "Aktenzeichen XY ... ungelöst," where a German sexual predator was suspected of kidnapping and murdering Maddie McCann, a three-year-old girl. The broadcast piqued her interest because of the photos shown. She proceeded to search the internet for more images, only to recognize him in some of them, the witness attested to the court in Braunschweig.

The assailant was described as skinny and with blonde hair by the victim. She also reported on protruding front teeth, a long head shape, birthmarks, and, of course, the sleazy grin. The prosecution viewed the witness's identification of the perpetrator as highly detailed. In contrast, the defense perceived this as minimal evidentiary value, claiming it had to do with repeated identifications that are simply worthless.

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