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A nursing home resident accidentally sets himself ablaze.

A nursing home resident intended to smoke a cigarette, but the situation took a turn for the worse, resulting in severe burn injuries for the individual.

A paramedic from the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) rescue service gets into an ambulance.
A paramedic from the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) rescue service gets into an ambulance.

The city of Lüneburg. - A nursing home resident accidentally sets himself ablaze.

In Lüneburg, a nursing home resident accidentally set himself ablaze while trying to light a cigarette with a kitchen burner. The unfortunate incident happened on Saturday night, leaving the 44-year-old man with severe burn injuries. As the police informed on Sunday, his garments caught fire which led to the horrific accident. Luckily, an employee from the care and therapy center intervened promptly, preventing further harm. The victim, who relies heavily on his wheelchair, was swiftly transported to a specialized clinic via helicopter.

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