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A new mayor has taken office in Markt Schwaben due to the previous mayor's resignation.

Markt Schwaben residents voted for a new mayor on Sunday in an unexpected election, with interim mayor Walentina Dahms securing 62.3% of the votes, according to preliminary results published by the town's official website that same evening. Dahms was supported by the CSU and Free Voters.

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Selection Process - A new mayor has taken office in Markt Schwaben due to the previous mayor's resignation.

Ronny Schreib garnered about 37.7% of the votes in the recent elections. The city council consisted of the Greens and an independent group. Approximately 62.4% of the 9,700 eligible voters cast their ballots.

Mayor Michael Stolze resigned in May due to a conflict over an asylum seeker accommodation. A group of citizens opposed the facility, sparking a heated debate in the media. Stolze was allegedly subjected to defamatory remarks and insults, leading to his resignation.

The townspeople of Markt Schwaben initially elected Stolze, who ran for the SPD and the Free Voters, as their mayor in 2020. The asylum seeker accommodation in question was slated for a vacant commercial building. The original proposal originated from the district administration. Critics alleged that the mayor had been remiss in disclosing the details of the plan.

Moreover, there was conflict surrounding an asylum seeker accommodation in Warngau, situated in the Miesbach district. The local CSU official in charge, Olaf von Löwis, had to attend a citizen meeting regarding police protection.

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