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A mere 19% of people attend Protestant or Catholic churches.

In Berlin, a mere 19.35% of the population are members of Protestant or Catholic churches in the year 2023, according to recent data provided by the Senate following a query from the Left Party. Previously, in 2022, their combined membership made up 19.95% of Berlin's population.

Christian Stäblein speaks during the Easter Sunday service in Berlin Cathedral.
Christian Stäblein speaks during the Easter Sunday service in Berlin Cathedral.

The numbers of people in a certain area or country. - A mere 19% of people attend Protestant or Catholic churches.

Despite the city's population growth, church membership is consistently dropping. In 2023, Berlin was home to 3.88 million residents, including around 469,000 Protestants (12%) and 273,500 Catholics (7%).

Experts attribute this decline to changing demographics and the diminishing role of religion in people's lives. The influx of immigrants, a major factor in Berlin's expansion, frequently hail from non-Christian countries.

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