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A challenging season for Mercedes: Is Hamilton at a disadvantage?

Formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton has been experiencing a losing streak for 2.5 years. Recently, he expressed his annoyance in Monaco. Next up is a visit to a unique destination.

Lewis Hamilton (center) has not won a Formula 1 race for two and a half years.
Lewis Hamilton (center) has not won a Formula 1 race for two and a half years.

Racing series known as Formula 1. - A challenging season for Mercedes: Is Hamilton at a disadvantage?

Looking back at the memories of his successes in Formula 1 can brighten Lewis Hamilton's mood these days. "My first race win in Montreal was a true dream come true," the record-holding F1 world champion posted on Instagram recently, including three photos from 2007. In these pictures, a 22-year-old Hamilton is celebrating his victory at the Canadian Grand Prix in his McLaren, the same week he won his sixth race.

Things take a darker turn as Hamilton looks towards the present. In his final season with Mercedes, the situation doesn't look good for him. "I'm likely to be behind George Russell for the rest of the year," the 39-year-old British driver stated after the qualifying in Monaco. His words carry a sense of frustration, and there's the potential for a major feud. Hamilton feels neglected by his team. He's leaving Mercedes next year to join rival Ferrari. Is Mercedes withholding the best possible car from Hamilton and favoring Russell instead? Toto Wolff, Mercedes' team boss, fervently denies this, but the situation with Hamilton is tense.

With a significant difference in speed between the two Mercedes drivers, Hamilton is struggling. In eighth place, he's 127 points behind Max Verstappen, the three-time champion who is leading the world championship after eight of 24 races. Can Hamilton make a comeback in Canada? The Montreal Grand Prix is a familiar track for him, where he's won seven times, as often as Michael Schumacher. "We have to keep working hard to climb back into the top group," Wolff stated. His drivers will receive an improved car, with a new front wing. Will this be enough to outpace Red Bull, Ferrari, and McLaren? "The competition is getting closer, and we're not deluding ourselves into thinking that others won't continue to improve," said Wolff.

Under intense pressure, Wolff needs to deal with a disgruntled Hamilton while also preparing for the future. Mercedes would love to have Max Verstappen on board, but he's still under contract with Red Bull until 2028. The rumours about Verstappen leaving Red Bull continue, but signing him seems unrealistic. Mercedes can't offer Verstappen the best car right now. The favorite for the seat alongside Russell is the Italian super talent Andrea Kimi Antonelli, a 17-year-old still racing in the junior leagues.

Meanwhile, Hamilton will be on the hunt for an eighth world championship title with Ferrari. Despite his upcoming 40th birthday in January, his ambition remains unchanged. He'd like to become the first driver to reach the eight-title milestone and surpass Schumacher. His last win was in Saudi Arabia in 2021, but he wasn't able to maintain the lead due to his subpar car.

Regardless, Hamilton remains a global superstar in the world of Formula 1. Apart from his achievements on the track, he's a fighter against racism and for equality, along with promoting a vegan lifestyle. But make no mistake - he's just as determined as ever to win every race. "I want to win every time," Hamilton repeatedly says.

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