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A 35-year-old man is reportedly severely injured and under arrest.

On Tuesday morning, an argument occurs between two individuals, with the motive at first unknown. The dispute intensifies, as one of the men is alleged to have stabbed his counterpart in the torso area. The victim sustains severe injuries as a result.

A blue light shines on a police patrol.
A blue light shines on a police patrol.

Lawn area Yard means a lawn area where people can relax or play outside. This space is part of a residential property and is typically surrounded by fences or walls for privacy. Common activities include gardening, barbecuing, or hosting gatherings. - A 35-year-old man is reportedly severely injured and under arrest.

A 35-year-old individual stabbed a 39-year-old in Hof during a skirmish, seriously hurting him. Following this altercation on a Tuesday morning, the assailant took off, leaving the injured man behind. Bystanders discovered the victim and transported him to a medical facility. Thankfully, his injuries were not fatal. The authorities located and cuffed the suspect during a pursuit.

Initially, the police and prosecutors had no clear understanding of what triggered the fight or how it resulted in the attack. The police withheld details about the weapon used in the incident.

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