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29-year-old bites police officer in the forearm

The man wanted to cancel a rail season ticket - and was unable to do so directly at the station. He was apparently so angry about this that he lost his temper.

A Federal Police vehicle stands in front of Munich Central Station (symbolic photo)
A Federal Police vehicle stands in front of Munich Central Station (symbolic photo)

29-year-old bites police officer in the forearm

A 29-year-old man bit a police officer on the forearm at Munich Central Station. The man probably wanted to cancel a season ticket at the train information point, according to the police. When an employee explained to him that he could only cancel online, the man is said to have insulted and threatened him. After the 29-year-old also threatened the security staff, the federal police were called in.

The man was ordered to leave the station but, according to the police, did not comply voluntarily. When the officers led him out of the station, the 29-year-old bit a police officer on the forearm and tore his glove. The officer suffered a bruise and had to be treated in hospital.

The police are investigating the 29-year-old for, among other things, insulting, threatening, damage to property, assault and resisting and assaulting law enforcement officers.

The police officer needed stitches to heal the bite mark on his forearm. Despite the incident, the 29-year-old still faced charges for assaulting a police officer.


