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2023 unusually warm - wettest December since measurements began

The year 2023 stands out enormously from a weather perspective. It was particularly wet and particularly warm. The year also ended with extremes.

Driftwood floats in the flood protection basin at the Mandelholz dam.
Driftwood floats in the flood protection basin at the Mandelholz dam.

German Weather Service - 2023 unusually warm - wettest December since measurements began

The year 2023 was also unusually warm in Saxony-Anhalt. The average annual temperature reached 10.8 degrees and was thus 2.1 degrees above the value of the internationally valid reference period 1961 to 1990, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced in Offenbach on Friday after initial evaluations. The weather service had already announced in advance that 2023 was the warmest year since measurements began in 1881. Nationwide, the average temperature this year was 10.6 degrees for the first time.

In Saxony-Anhalt, a mild winter with spring-like interludes was followed by a wet March and the second driest May, according to the report. The summer months again brought a lot of rain. September was the warmest to date and the second sunniest. In October and November, the umbrella once again accompanied the people of Saxony-Anhalt through their everyday lives.

In the wettest December since measurements began, Saxony-Anhalt has been flooded since Christmas. According to preliminary figures, 105 liters per square meter of rain fell during the month, more than double the December target of 47 liters per square meter. In the Harz Mountains, the DWD recorded more than 300 liters per square meter.

The amount of precipitation this year was 765 liters per square meter, compared to 548 liters per square meter in the period from 1961 to 1990. At 1730 hours, the amount of sunshine was also above the long-term average of 1522 hours.

Read also:

  1. In light of the unusual weather patterns, several climate scientists from Saxony-Anhalt have started a new study to examine the impact of these conditions on the local ecosystem.
  2. Despite the record-breaking rainfall in December, the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach still encourages farmers in Saxony-Anhalt to start their measurement of crop yield at the 'Start of measurement' as per the traditional farming calendar.
  3. Germany's commitment to science and innovation was demonstrated when the government announced funding for a new weather research center in Magdeburg to investigate the effects of climate change and extreme weather events, like the heavy rain in Saxony-Anhalt.
  4. In contrast to the rainy Saxony-Anhalt, the city of Offenbach experienced less precipitation in 2023, with weather reports showing an average of 800 liters per square meter of rain, still above the long-term average but far less than the deluge in Saxony-Anhalt.
  5. The unusual weather patterns of 2023, with its record rainfall in Saxony-Anhalt, have raised concerns about potential flooding and damage to infrastructure in Germany, leading to calls for increased investment in weather warning systems and flood mitigation measures.


