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15,000 euros worth of fireworks stolen from supermarket

New Year's Eve is only a few days away, but the police in Brandenburg are already dealing with New Year's Eve-related crimes. Unknown persons broke open a container in a supermarket in Cottbus in which New Year's Eve fireworks were stored, as the police reported on Wednesday. The perpetrators...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

Cottbus - 15,000 euros worth of fireworks stolen from supermarket

New Year's Eve is only a few days away, but the police in Brandenburg are already dealing with New Year's Eve-related crimes. Unknown persons broke open a container in a supermarket in Cottbus in which New Year's Eve fireworks were stored, as the police reported on Wednesday. The perpetrators stole pyrotechnics worth at least 15,000 euros on Tuesday night. Forensic experts secured evidence and launched an investigation. The sale of category F2 New Year's Eve fireworks starts this Thursday.

In Velten in the Oberhavel district, fireworks were set off before the New Year - with consequences for a 24-year-old man. According to a witness, the young man was shot at with a firework from a group at the train station on Tuesday evening, the police reported. The 24-year-old was taken to hospital with injuries.

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