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125 vaccination injuries after corona vaccination recognized throughout Bavaria

In very rare cases, people fall seriously and permanently ill after being vaccinated against the coronavirus. Those affected hope for recognition and thus money from the state, among others. Providing evidence is sometimes difficult.

A poster with the words "Vaccinate" stuck in the window of a vaccination center in the town
A poster with the words "Vaccinate" stuck in the window of a vaccination center in the town hall.

Diseases - 125 vaccination injuries after corona vaccination recognized throughout Bavaria

Around three years after the start of vaccination against the coronavirus, 125 people in Bavaria have so far been recognized as having suffered permanent health damage as a result of vaccination. In addition, 151 lawsuits are pending before the social courts against the Free State of Bavaria, in which those affected are defending themselves against a rejected decision. This was compiled by the Zentrum Bayern Familie und Soziales (ZBFS) in Bayreuth as of December 20, 2023.

The proceedings before the social chambers concern state benefits. There, 12 claims have been withdrawn and in 5 cases, claims have been dismissed by the court.

At the same time, there are numerous civil lawsuits in Bavarian courts for damages and compensation for pain and suffering - the defendant in each case is the manufacturer of a coronavirus vaccine. So far, no legally binding decision by a civil court has been made public.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), almost 29.5 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine have been administered in Bavaria since the start of the vaccination campaign.

What is vaccine damage?

The Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) is responsible for the safety of vaccines in Germany. According to the PEI, several vaccines against the coronavirus have been approved in the EU. The effectiveness of these substances has been scientifically proven. It is also known: There are often temporary reactions such as "vaccine arm" or headaches, but extremely rarely serious side effects.

The Paul Ehrlich Institute considers a vaccination complication to be an adverse reaction that occurs after vaccination, which could be causally related to the vaccination and goes beyond a pure vaccination reaction. Vaccine damage in the narrower sense is the health and economic consequence of this complication.

According to the PEI, the following serious vaccination complications following a corona vaccination are known: the heart disease myo-/pericarditis, sinus vein thrombosis occurring in the brain and other blood clots, facial paralysis, a muscle weakness called Guillain-Barré syndrome and the hearing impairment tinnitus. According to the PEI data, these are all rare (one case per 1000 to 10,000 vaccinations) or very rare (less than one case per 10,000 vaccinations).

"The recognized adverse effects are predominantly neurological and internal", said ZBFS spokesperson Benjamin Vrban. The damage must be permanent, i.e. present for at least six months. Normal reactions of the body to a vaccination, such as pain at the injection site, reddening of the skin or fatigue, are not permanent damage. "If someone experiences such a side effect after a vaccination, this does not trigger a claim for compensation and should not be reported to us."

Thousands of applications for recognition

In the past three years, the ZBFS has received 2572 applications for recognition of corona-related vaccination damage. Of these, 1750 have already been processed. In addition to the 125 recognitions, there have been 1564 rejections and 61 withdrawals.

The sticking point for recognition is the question of whether the damage can really be attributed to the vaccination. Applications for compensation are rejected, for example, if the health disorder cannot be causally attributed to the vaccination with the necessary probability - i.e. if there is more evidence against it than in favor of it. It is possible that there is a purely coincidental temporal connection between a vaccination and the occurrence of a health disorder without there being a genuine cause-and-effect relationship.

If there is permanent damage to health, those affected are entitled to compensation - depending on the severity, this can be a basic pension of between 164 and 854 euros per month. According to Vrban, additional benefits are possible, depending on the vaccination damage and the financial circumstances of the person affected. This could include medical and medical treatment services such as speech therapy and the provision of aids such as a special bed.

Robert Koch Institute on the safety of vaccinations Answers from the Robert Koch Institute and the Paul Ehrlich Institute on the 20 most common objections to vaccination Vaccinations reported by federal state Safety report from the Paul Ehrlich Institute until March 31, 2023 Information from the Paul Ehrlich Institute on coronavirus vaccines

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